Sunday, January 27, 2013


Kelsey and I combined have $500 of donations from you lovely supportive readers!  We are a little more than halfway to our goal of $800-900 for all the supplies we need to buy before our trip in March!  Please continue to help with your generous support, we can't do it without you!  Every little bit helps :-)


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Flights Booked!

Our flights for Port-Au-Prince are officially booked for March 10th!  Now all of our preparation efforts are towards lesson planning, finding teaching material in Haitian Creole and first aid supply purchasing!

Would your life be the same with 10 less dollars? If so please consider what life saving equipment that $10 could buy. With $10 you could buy a one way valve CPR mask that can provide someone in cardiac arrest with oxygen, while providing protection to the rescuer; it could buy you a box of gloves to help protect teachers from their students contagious bodily fluids and help stop the spread of cholera, it could buy a splint to help immobilize an injury, the list continues. If donating $10 to buy these supplies would not impact your life I'm asking you to please consider it and the help it would provide. In order to make an impact on our trip we need help to buy supplies. Please consider helping us, thank you! :-) 

Please considering donating to our cause, we organized this trip on our own and are funding our own accommodations and flights to get there, now we need the help of others to carry out our projects!  Many medical trips that college students take ask for a ridiculously large fee ($3000) which the students have to fundraise, but what most people don't know is that that 3000 is going to the large organization, not the individual communities.  Our self-designed project is not through a large organization or our college.  We are alone in our efforts and are responsible for bringing all the supplies we need and these supplies are going directly to the community.  We can't do it without your help!

I want to thank everyone who has donated thus far! Your contribution will go directly towards buying the teaching materials and first aid supplies necessary to make our trip meaningful with a long lasting impact on the Haitians in the community.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Supply Needs and Running the Numbers

Hey Everyone,
I've gotten more information about the specifics of what types of supplies and how many we should be bringing with us on our trip.  Here's the deal, the community we will be working with does NOT have these supplies, nor do they have access to them.  That means that the numbers they gave us are a bare minimum for the amount I hope to bring.  I want these supplies to be able to provide a long lasting resource for the people and I hope that through our seminars with the teachers and students that they will be able to pass that information on to others.

Here are the numbers:

-The primary school that HAC is located out of has 300 students and 21 teachers.
-We will be traveling to 4-5 other schools each with their own number of students and teachers.
-There are 143 teachers in the union- who we may have a teaching seminar with.
-This alone means that we will have to bring a minimum of 400-600 copies of first aid/ public health brochures... in creole.

First Aid Kits:
-We would like to bring at least as many kits as schools we will be visiting but prefer bring much more than this.  Let's aim for at least 10 kits.
-we have the choice to either create our own or buy pre-packaged kits.  Regardless we will be buying supplemental equipment such as oral and nasal airways, pocket masks, blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes which are not typically found in average first aid kits.
The cost of this will run anywhere from $50-$80 per kit.  If we strive to bring at least 10 kits that would be $500-800

We will then have to ship all of these materials with us.
-That's $25-$50 per extra check in baggage at airport
-Plus shipping containters such as these: that run from $20-50

I hope these numbers help when you make your decision to donate or not to our cause.  Your money as before will go solely towards buying this equipment, none of it will be used to fund our own travel expenses (we are taking care of that ourselves).  Please remeber than any small amount of donation will be so helpful in allowing us to continue with our project, so that we can provide long lasting support and resources for the people of Croix-des-Bouquets.

p.s here is a recent video from HAC explaining their mission and showing the work they do

Your support is so greatly appreciated! Thank you so much,

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Haitian American Caucus-Haiti Trip!

With spring break only a few months away I am extremely happy to announce that I will be returning to Haiti in March, this time with a friend!  

Unfortunately, Mercy Village's clinic dates did not match up with our spring break this year so I am unable to return to them, but I am excited to get involved with a new organization and think it will offer us a much broader experience!  We will be volunteering with the Haitian American Caucus- Haiti located out of Port-Au-Prince in Croix des Bouquets in a primary school.  They strive to advance and improve opportunities and the quality of life for the Haitian people.  From their website they sum up their goals: "We strengthen the capacity of communities through education and comprehensive community development.  HAC-Haiti seeks to provide the tools, skills, and venue for individuals to take control of their destiny. We believe that by educationally, economically, and socially, empowering women, children, and families we can create strength that will build a better Haiti."  What really captured my interest was how this organization is focused on bringing long term change to the country by directly educating the people, instead of many organizations which just offer a "quick fix" without developing the resources necessary for that change to continue without the help of foreigners.

HAC-Haiti has volunteers from all different backgrounds work on many different projects that include; community English courses, literacy courses, construction, women empowerment, and micro-loans.  The wide variety of opportunities will allow Kelsey and I to design our own project while we are there.  Since we are both EMT's we plan on teaching first aid, and public health topics to teachers and students of local schools in the community.  We will also travel to a few Haitian and Cuban run clinics and assist with triaging tasks and observeTo do this we need your help!  We will have to bring our own course materials over with us due to the lack of EMT and first aid training materials available in Haiti.  I am asking for donations as I did before, that will help us purchase first aid brochures, books and other course materials.  We will also be creating first aid kits for the teachers and schools and need to buy the supplies to go in them.  Your donations would only be used towards buying these materials.  I know it is a hard economic time but any amount of support would be so greatly appreciated!  It is so important for Kelsey and I to be able to provide this life saving education to the people of Haiti!

Here is the organizations webpage, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me!

Thank you so much for your support!